Baby Nikau's first photos...
As usual, Wellington photographer Jess Dewsnap works wonders with her baby photography.
Here, she treats us to a series of intimate and lovely family photos of baby Nikau and his parents in our City studio.
Katy first came to see us at 34 weeks for her pregnancy shoot. She returned with Nikau and proud Dad, Kenny when Nikau was just 18days old and super cute. See for yourself!
“Nikau’s last shoot was when he was 8months old. This has to be my most favourite time to photograph. Children are normally sitting up by themselves and their true character and personality shine through. ”
Nikau turned one late last year. Jess & the Woolf team would like to wish Nikau a belated Happy 1st Birthday, and mum Katy a happy Mother's Day!
Here is an image that would look great in black and white and framed, as a lovely gift for mum ;)