It’s the Details which Count!
When it comes to Wedding Photography ( or in fact any type of Photography Assignment) its the details which count! While we know Wellington and it’s environment well, we never take anything for granted! It is similar in respect of how we prepare for a Wedding. I liken the preparation to Elite Sport, where the equipment is checked. In our case its the cameras ( We used five cameras on the last wedding we photographed. They were used for stills, video and timelapse video) We carry lighting equipment, tripods, and then there is the media! The cards we use to store the valuable photo files. All have to be in tip top condition
The fitness levels, both physical and mental have been honed, and believe me any wedding should have both the physical and mental side of the assignment totally prepared for. I have played Elite Sport and am currently Refereeing Top Level Football. The skills and fitness you need to be a successful enduring Wedding Photographer are not too different from those needed to be at the top of your game in a sporting context.
Personal presentation is so important too. Being appropriately attired is so important. Firstly it’s the practical side which needs consideration, and especially being comfortable, having the ability to be absolutely mobile, and being discreet most of the time too. Not standing out, and certainly not dressing above the occasion, or the reverse, and becoming over noticeable as a result.
The logistics and contingencies also need a huge amount of preparation. Family dynamics, weather, accessibility, and comfort zones are all areas a wedding photographer should consider.
Believe it or not I carry a Sewing and a First Aid Kit to weddings. They have both been used on a number of occasions. Hairclips and safety pins should be mandatory for any Wedding Photographer. They have certainly saved the day more than once!
Every Wedding Shot List is different. We take nothing for granted! We ensure all family photography requirements of a wedding are listed and organised in a way that we shouldn’t miss anyone or anything!
There is a list of Dreams and Aspirations too. Every Bride and Groom has a wish list of how they would like their Big Day to be captured.
Probably the biggest piece of preparation, is meeting with our wedding couples. The initial meetings,(we always offer an engagement session too), the pre wedding consultation, and the other communication we have pre wedding, should enable a rapport and wavelength, that transfer to the Big Day. The investment in time with our couples ensure that the Photography is seamless, and the lines of communication clear and user friendly both ways.
You get the fine tuning and details nailed, and the fun, spontaneity and special moments will be easier to capture, and or create.
Amanda and Jamie’s Wedding
Amanda and Jamie were married recently, where there venue was Boomrock, out on Wellington’s West Coast.
Amanda, and her family have been having photographs taken by Photography by Woolf for nearly four generations. Amanda’s Grandfather, Fraser McGaughran, was a very talented award winning Wedding Photographer, who worked with our our team for over twenty years. Rosemary Amanda’s Grandmother was one of my Father’s first Children’s Portraits, in his Kilbirnie Studio, in the 1950’s!
Amanda and Jamie were married in Autumn, and had a very special set of pre requisites for their wedding. Family came first! A Documentary style of Photography was to be emphasised, Showing the fun, the spontanaeity, and potentially some last light sunset photos were also listed as being important.
The Big Day came along, and together we nailed all the necessary ingredients. There was the bonus of having the weather perform. It was rather cool at times, and there was a breeze, however it all worked in our favour.
Timelapse, and video were put into play which along with the photography helped record the phenomenal atmosphere and experience of the day.
In 1984 Ron Woolf photographed Cathy and Rubens Wedding, and in 2019 Simon Woolf photographed Cathy and Ruben’s son, also Ruben, and his wife Laura’s Wedding. Between 1984 and 2019 a lot has happened in the world of Wedding Photography. What hasn’t changed is that Woolf Photography are still leading the way with both Traditional and Contemporary Wedding Photography.
Laura and Ruben were married at Aston Norwood Gardens at the foot of The Rimutaka Hill. It was a stunning occasion which had family fun warmth and spontaneity. Our wedding party were totally in sync, and out to have a great time, which was achieved with ease.
It was great to see Kathy and Amanda, from Hair There and Everywhere, who did lovely job (as always) with Laura’s Hair and Make up, while Belinda and Veronica and the team at Aston Norwood Gardens absolutely nailed the Ceremony and Reception big time.
It’s Always Wedding Time!
See why in our Blog below!
At Woolf Photography we are experienced with weddings all year around! Summer, Autumn , Winter or Spring, we have been there. Whether it’s sunny, cloudy, snowing, torrential, or even windy, we have the experience to deal with most situations, and have the ability to apply different styles and techniques on the occasion. We are confident can still nail great Wedding Photography in most conditions and in any season!
Woolf Photography maybe a 4th Generation Photography Studio, however nothing beats experience. We love our Weddings. There are few, if any studios, in New Zealand who have had more success with their Wedding Photography. It’s not just about the awards and accolades ( and we have won more than most there too!) It is about delivering great results come what may!
There is continued professional development, where we are continually up skilling, applying new techniques and adding new products and services for our wedding couples. We are continually sharing our knowledge, and in turn gaining additional education with other professional photographers here in New Zealand and Internationally. Timelapse , Realtime Wedding Photography and Cinema Video are new features we are able to offer.
Teamwork is an advantage we have with with all our image making. " There is no "I" in Team" and we subscribe to that adage in all ways.
Creativity, simplicity ( we don't wish our photos to date!) fun and wavelength are key components in any great wedding. Wavelength is hugely important, as it is how we all get on with each other before, during, and after the Big Day! Preparation is vitally important to any wedding we are involved with. Enjoyment, spontaneity and a seamless streamlined day is an essential ingredient in any great wedding.
Over the years we have photographed weddings in most parts of New Zealand, in Australia The Pacific, and even Hong Kong and Europe. Preparation and experience is key!
Whether it is a large wedding, a boutique wedding, a same sex wedding, or a completely different wedding we rise to the occasion, and offer an awesome array of services, advice and expertise.
We specialise in Coffee Table Book, Album, Audio Visual, Photography Enlargement Production. A lot of what we achieve is "in house' too. In this generation of digital photography, cloud storage the internet and social media, it is so important to print and publish at least some of the key wedding imagery that is taken on your Big Day is "Hard Copy. Whether its and stunning Album, a beautiful Coffee Table Book, or a stylish Framed Collage, or Single Image Canvas/ Acrylic, its important your wedding legacy is preserved for future generations.
To get more info, or to book your Wedding Photography please ring Simon on 049176861 or email: hello@woolf.co.nz
Why Documentary and Family Photography is so important at a Wedding
Capturing those special moments are where Wedding Photographers should thrive. The beautifully set up, posed, and constructed imagery is important, however the documentary, story telling portion of any wedding is where photography is vital.
It’s those split seconds where a glance is exchanged, a reaction is caught, or a special moment is captured, that are where memories can be rekindled forever.
Timing, knowing your equipment, and especially lens and shutter speed selection, and positioning are key to important moments being caught.
When you are out there looking for a Wedding Photographer, ensure they have the right experience, that they have strengths and guarantee you will gain great documentary imagery, including the Big Moments!
What a day it was when Aletia and Richard were married at Paper Road Vineyard in The Wairarapa.
This was an occasion where Family and Friends, could relax, have fun and celebrate a Aletia and Richard's Big Day.
Richard, having a lovingly restoring an old Diesel Locomotive, was able to use it to carry the wedding guest to and from what was a stunning location. The whole day was seamless, and totally enjoyable, with the weather certainly assisting things. Bianca and I were quite a team in capturing a superb array of photos to record the day.
Simon Woolf
Aletia and Richard's Wedding.
Ruby and Zane
Ruby and Zane came back to Wellington from Sydney to get married. While they had the perfect wedding, the weather did not behave at all! It did not really matter, as Family Friends, and Fun were the order of the day. As the group dodged rain showers, and wind changes, some gorgeous photos were nailed. Simon and the wedding party arrived at The Lady Norwood Rose Gardens in good time, and on a adrenalin high, to enjoy a superb reception. It was one of those days which was totally streamlined and spontaneous, and where everyone involved had just the best time.
" I was totally rapt to be able to capture such a wonderful array of great moments. Ruby and Zane, and their entire wedding party were totally in sync, and while we did have weather challenges, that was a big part of the fun that we had on the day."
Simon Woolf
It was a perfect overcast day for photography: Jess and Sandi really managed to capture the love and emotion on this beautiful day.