Architecture 101
Commercial Photography by Doug Mountain for Shand Shelton: The War Memorial Theatre, Gisborne.
Shand Shelton, New Zealand's leading architecture firm specialising in live performance & creative spaces, came to us recently with a request to photograph the War Memorial Theatre in Gisborne. Their wish: to enter the images into several industry competitions, including the prestigious NZIA Regional Awards. After 40 years, this venue was upgraded and fully earthquake strengthened, creating a modern, functional and safe theatre, for up to 500 guests.
Our man Doug Mountain was just the photographer for this job: With his inimitable eye for line and form and his love of architecture, he was sure to find the angles and shots that would wow the judges. See for yourself, these images need no further explanation. The beauty is in the details and sometimes, it can be found in the most surprising elements that would otherwise be overlooked.
That is why our clients choose Woolf Photography for their commercial projects: Our team is made up of professional individuals who see things others can't through their lens and bring beauty to life in their images. Judge for yourself.
Should we trust the Cloud with our memories?
How reliable is the Cloud in storing your images and memories? Will it be there for ever? That is a big question for our industry.
One of the things we take great pride in at Woolf Photography is that we have a Photographic Archive (our Photographic "Memory Bank", if you like) that spans over 80 years. What we don't store on our servers, we have preserved on disc, and prior to that (1980's), we keep at the Te Papa Archives.
Why, you say? Well, our family business has been taking Wellington's photographic Biography (and that of others) for all that time, and we see it as a precious visual legacy.
But times they are a-changing, as Bob Dylan once said... so while we do offer customers the choice of purchasing their images digitally instead of in print, we still feel that having a tangible record of your images (be they framed on your wall or laid out in a beautiful album) elevates them from shareable "sight-bites" to keepsakes and objects of beauty that ensure your legacy; a piece of history that you can pass on.
So why not pop in and see what we can do to preserve your memories today?
To ask about Custom Framing, Printing and our Albums, call us on (04) 917 68 61, or email info@woolf.co.nz. These make wonderful gifts for Christmas.
Zara & Petra: Poetry in Motion
A surprise Ballet photo shoot in our City Studio for Zara & Petra...
The time Angela (Zara's mum) booked a surprise Photo shoot for her daughter and friend, she set off Poetry in Motion...
Having originally received a voucher for a family portrait, Angela decided she would give this to the girls. Both amazing ballerinas, they were on their way to Wellington in the school holidays to attend a short masterclass at the New Zealand School of Dance. Both mums and girls were coming down from Hamilton for this big opportunity.
The morning of the photo shoot, the mums surprised the girls, who couldn't believe it- they were really excited!
They arrived at our Wellington Studio in full ballerina attire and for the next hour, they danced around our Studio and had an amazing experience with Simon. They came back after lunch to view the images from the shoot and were able to select and purchase their chosen ones before departing home.
Both girls loved the experience : Their package included one A3 enlargement and two 8x10" photos but they added more and also purchased a Virtual album of all the images set to a music track of there choice. All of this was couriered to Hamilton and gratefully received. We loved having you in our Wellington Photography Studio girls and hope to see you again soon!